Bethel Ministries and Programs

At Lacombe Bethel CRC, Nursery and Sunday School is provided during services.

Sunday School Classes

AGE 3 - Kindergarten
Held during each morning church service. Each Sundays' lessons involve singing, Bible stories, and discussion. This is a time for children to make friends and grow together in knowing God!


The step between Sunday school and Truth Seekers. This Sunday morning class is where children are introduce to worship practices, and involvement. A stage to prepare them for worshipping with the entire congregation.


Truth seekers is a new program helping students gain independence on how to study and understand God's Word. By learning about important themes, time periods, genres, maps, reading in context etc. we hope to equip children with the tools they need to understand God's whole story.

Treasure Seekers class meet after the worship service for a discussion, with their Teacher. This practice helps them to stay engaged, and teaches them to take notes to further their understanding during the sermon.


Girls club, called GEMS ( Girls Everywhere Meeting our Savior), is for girls grades 3 - 7. It is a fun place of dynamic singing, creative crafts, and a place to learn important life skills and apply the Bible to their lives!
This is held on alternate Thursday evenings from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. October- April annually

Boys Grades 3 - 8

Boys club, called Cadets, is a group providing Bible Study, valuable skills, and fun craft projects to work on. They have opportunities for awesome hands-on projects, games, and campouts.
This is held on alternate Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. October- April annually

Youth (Grades 7 - 12)

Tuesday Nite Youth is a fun educational group for grades 7 - 12. Activities include Bible Study, games, and discussion. Other outings and social events are also planned throughout the year, Including our annual Youth Retreat.

Youth are encouraged throughout their time in Tuesday Nite Youth to help the greater community, this could be through partnerships with Central Alberta Youth Unlimited, and the Mustard Seed in Red Deer.

They meet Tuesdays from September to April from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm.


High-School students and anyone who is seeking a mentor within the congregation are encouraged to seek out a older member, where they can develop a mentor- mentee relationship. Within this partnership mentees will be supported in their Christian faith and personal life.

Please contact the Church office for more information

Women's bible study group

This group provides an opportunity for friendship and Bible Study for women of all ages and backgrounds.
Ladies meet weekly in the Fellowship Hall to discuss their current study and enjoy fellowship and worship. Light refreshments are served.

Child Care is provided.
Held every Wednesday morning from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Woven Women's group

This group provides a place where women can come together to develop friendships and grow together in their faith. Meetings are held Wednesday evenings from 7:00p.m. - 8:30 p.m. October -April

Circle of Friends Free Supper

Join us every Thursday for our free community supper! Skip cooking for an evening and come and join us for a hearty meal, lovingly prepared by our church congregation.

At Circle of Friends you will meet a variety of people; those familiar with Bethel, and those completely new, either way you're sure to go away having made a new friend!
Dinner is Served on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m.

Seniors Group

A multi-church group that meets every second Tuesday for worship and fellowship.
This lively group of about 40-50 people, meet during the fall, winter and spring.
The morning starts off with singing praises to God, followed by a devotion. They break for coffee and then have some entertainment such as readings and guest speakers. Bus trips around the area are also planned often.

For more information please contact the church office.

Friendship Group

Friendship is a ministry that shares God’s love with People who have intellectual disabilities. This ministry is lovingly ran with the support of Woodynook CRC and Bethel CRC. Our mentors come from local churches including Wolf Creek Community Church, Woodynook CRC and Bethel CRC to name a few. Our friends come from various group homes and private homes in the Lacombe area.

Friendship is all about building relationships between mentors and friends. It is not always clear who is learning from whom! It is a process of bringing the family of God together to learn more about God’s love. We start each evening with group singing and prayer. The lesson is then shared by a story teller. This often involves group participation and drama. This is followed by one-on-one time where friends and mentors go over the lesson; this will include discussion and an activity. We always finish the evening with fellowship and a snack!

Through out the year we have special nights that include a Christmas Craft, a Christmas Party, Singing at the Lacombe Seniors Lodge, a talent night and a big year end banquet with a play performed by Friendship. One Sunday a year we are involved in a Sunday Friendship Service.

We meet at Bethel CRC on Monday Nights from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm during the months of October - April and once a month in the summer.
For more information please check

Discipleship Training & Pastors Class

Pastor Jake offers discipleship training throughout the year. The goal of this small group is to help grow deeper as a disciple of Jesus and in our relationship with God.

Pastors Classes are a small group session with Pastor Jake that help us deepen our Christian faith through book, discussions, and prayer. Classes are organized in a three year rotation that connects us to every aspect of our Christian life.

Please check out our Calendar for scheduled meeting times.

Bible Study Groups

There are a variety of Bible Study groups within the church. The purpose of these groups is to study the Bible with relevance for day to day living and to provide a time to develop friendships. All are welcome.
Please contact the Church office for more information.

Love God, your God. Walk in his ways. Keep his commandments, regulations and rules.
Deuteronomy 30:16